Online Learning is here to stay. Some say that online teaching and learning is parallel to the printing press and that online learning effects are permanent and paradigmatic. With the drive of such conglomerate entities as MOOC and COURSERA, online learning is easily delivered to households across the boards. Additionally, online learning is becoming more readily adopted within the lower levels of the elementary classrooms in a hybrid fashion, facilitating improved learning for a more diverse student group.

As educators, we need to invest in our students by teaching them to think and interact with the world around them. We should not be focused on teaching them to pass the test so we as professionals can be deemed successful teachers of test-taking.

And lastly, is there really such a thing as value free education? If there is, then information givers do not need to be human vessels, nor is it necessary for human beings to assess whether or not the information has been processed correctly. Technology can simply replace each of these functions, and indeed, in many situations it already has.  By opening the hybrid concept to a global and inter-cultural marketplace, the blending of both technology and the mentoring human connection offers the best of both in real time fashion.

The current marketplace dictates that online learning colleges are competing for the same target markets. Increased competition along with increased pressure from the federal compliance laws has narrowed the potential playing fields with declining enrollment among public institutions and the profit entities. Providing inter-cultural and global exposure expands the marketplace and virtually opens up entirely new lines of educational opportunities for emerging professionals and internationals. By strengthening the virtual education community in the United States as well as provide diverse individuals the same opportunity to learn through online mentoring modules, students can experience the convenience of learning in their own environment. An international and global learning platform broadens a student’s college experience and it is through this diversity and inclusion that prepares them for the reality of an ever expanding global economic and business world.

In addition, the real value of education is to teach students to think and to relate to each other.  Education and learning is about understanding, and realizing others’ values.  It is about sharing intercultural dialogue that is respectful and honoring. Education and learning is more than information output and intake; it is about “being” human and about the evolution of understanding the dynamic whole of humanity.

World Connections Foundation is a newly defined concept of delivering blended online education by partnering with viable institutions creating new marketplace learning for individuals within the United States and abroad. The delivery of single tracked courses responds to global market needs instead of the old out-dated paradigm that drives an entire degree program curriculum. Accreditation is not threatened since single track course exchange and delivery is practiced regularly through selected engaged institutions. Technology has been designed that is doable for online delivery offering the social media style of learning that responds to the millennial learner. Blending online delivery with traditional delivery creates a hybrid model that prepares students for global exchange in a diverse forum that fosters new ideas for learning and understanding. The World Connections Foundation leadership intends to collaborate and drive research to higher education institutions so the traditional ways of learning can become bridged with new innovative concepts, engaging the world of learners fully and effectively. Bridging these two opposing factions within the higher education industry and designing a workable solution that is forward thinking and innovative, elevates the integrity of course delivery by identifying single tracks in global demand instead of degree programs which are based solely on U.S. demographics.